"ASG Student Social and Emotional Health Report" by Michael. E. Bernard, Andrew Stephanou et al.


Publication Date



Differences, Mental health, Student attitudes, Student characteristics, Students, Teacher attitudes, Well being, Surveys


This research project was commissioned and funded by the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) and conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research.


This report presents the results of sophisticated Rasch measurement analysis and multi-level modelling to validate and support the use of the ACER Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) student and teacher surveys for reporting on the social and emotional well-being of students from the early years of schooling through to senior secondary school levels. It describes the social and emotional well-being of over 10,000 students attending 81 schools across Australia. Among the more important findings of this research are the characteristics of students with low levels of social and emotional well-being compared with students with higher levels of social and emotional well-being.

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

SEWB_ASG-StateStudentSocialEmoHealth.pdf (681 kB)
'Excerpts and findings from the ASG student and emotional health report

