Digital learning research

Digital learning research


Research into digital learning is a high priority at ACER because ICT is regarded as an important component of improving education and its future. ACER is focussed on four research priorities:

  1. Teacher capacity to use ICT in education
  2. Case studies of successful implementation of digital technologies
  3. Equity of access and cultural and social interactions, and
  4. ICT in assessing and reporting.
In addition, openness, interactive personal networking and virtual learning are areas of interest.


Submissions from 2014


Australian students prepare for digital future, Julian Fraillon


Preparing for Life in a Digital Age: the IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2013 International Report, Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, Tim Friedman, and Eveline Gebhardt


Why A to E grades paint the wrong picture, Geoff N. Masters

Submissions from 2013


International Computer and Information Literacy Study: Assessment Framework, Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, and John Ainley


Mobile learning - why tablets?, Helen Galatis and Gerry K. White


A Review of Victoria’s Developmental Learning Framework for School Leaders, Lawrence Ingvarson


Do boys and girls read differently online? Evidence from PISA 2009 digital reading assessment, Tom Lumley, Dara Ramalingam, and Juliette Mendelovits


Networking young citizens : Learning to be citizens in and with the social web, Suzanne Mellor and Terri Seddon


School–university partnerships in initial teacher preparation: An evaluation of the School Centres for Teaching Excellence initiative in Victoria, Glenn Rowley, Paul R. Weldon, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, and Lawrence Ingvarson


Digital fluency for the digital age, Gerald K. White


Digital fluency : skills necessary for learning in the digital age, Gerald K. White


Forward thinking : three forward, two back : what are the next steps?, Gerald K. White

Submissions from 2012


National Assessment Program : ICT Literacy Years 6 and 10 report 2011, John Ainley, Julian Fraillon, Eveline Gebhardt, and Wolfram Schulz


Digital assessments of early learning, Danielle Anzai


A clearer picture : national and international testing in the UAE, Alan Egbert


The digital natives and ICT literacy, Julian Fraillon


National Assessment Program : ICT literacy 2011 : Year 6 and Year 10 : technical report, Eveline Gebhardt, Julian Fraillon, Wolfram Schulz, Kate O'Malley, Chris Freeman, Martin Murphy, and John Ainley


How well do young people deal with contradictory and unreliable information on line? What the PISA digital reading assessment tells us, Tom Lumley and Juliette Mendelovits


A framework for predicting item difficulty in reading tests, Tom Lumley, Alla Routitsky, Juliette Mendelovits, and Dara Ramalingam


Painting a picture of the teaching workforce, Phillip McKenzie


Reading in online environments, Juliette Mendelovits


Print and digital reading in PISA 2009 : comparison and contrast, Juliette Mendelovits, Dara Ramalingam, and Tom Lumley


The On Track Survey 2011: the destinations of school leavers in Victoria. Statewide report, Sheldon Rothman and Catherine Underwood


The On Track Survey 2012: the destinations of school leavers in Victoria. Statewide report, Sheldon Rothman and Catherine Underwood


Preparing Australian students for the digital world : results from the PISA 2009 Digital Reading Literacy Assessment, Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli


Children’s independent mobility : fact or fiction: 8 to 12 year olds - worried about strangers, Catherine Underwood


Cane toad or computer mouse? Real and computer-simulated laboratory exercises in physiology classes, Jan West and Anneke Veenstra

Submissions from 2011


Examining the use of ICT in mathematics and science teaching, John Ainley


Digital natives? New and old media and children’s outcomes, Michael Bittman, Leonie Rutherford, Jude Brown, and Len Unsworth


Improving the small rural or remote school: The role of the district, Simon Clarke and Helen Wildy


International students snapshot : a global picture, Daniel Edwards

That's incredible: Students’ judgements about the credibility of online information, Andrew Flanagin and Miriam Metzger

Lunchtime Talkback - Indigenous Students and Large Scale Assessments such as NAPLAN: How do we make sure we get an accurate picture of what Indigenous students know?, Chris Freeman and Frances Eveleigh


The On Track Survey 2010: The Destinations of School Leavers in Victoria. Statewide report, Sheldon Rothman, Justin Brown, Kylie Hillman, Gary N. Marks Dr., Phillip McKenzie, and Catherine Underwood

Submissions from 2010


Evaluation of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) : Trial project in the Solomon Islands, ACER

ICT literacy on target, John Ainley


What can Australian students do with computers?, John Ainley


ICT in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in Year 8 in Australia: report from the IEA Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES) survey, John Ainley, Frances Eveleigh, Chris Freeman, and Kate O'Malley


National assessment program : ICT literacy years 6 & 10 report 2008, John Ainley; Julian Fraillon; Chris Freeman; and Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA)

Taking computers to the learning, Leanne Guillon


Evaluation of OLPC programs global : a literature review, Dita Nugroho and Michele Lonsdale


The On Track Survey 2009 : The Destinations of School Leavers in Victoria. Statewide report, Sheldon Rothman, Justin Brown, Kylie Hillman, Gary Marks, and Phillip McKenzie


Production of a prototype online leadership learning tool and system for Australian universities, Geoff Scott, Hamish Coates, and Michelle Anderson

Submissions from 2009


School connections : using ICT to engage students in learning, Hamish Coates and Tim Friedman


Forecasting university enrolment and completion numbers for Victoria, Daniel Edwards

Pirate treasure hunt : digital learning objects, B Ewing

Netbooks, networks and internet safety : are you ready for the digital education revolution?, Brett Houghton


Scoping study to investigate online learning environments to facilitate evidence sharing by literacy and numeracy practitioners (LNET project), Michele Lonsdale, Alana Deery, Gerry K. White, and Carol Skyring


The Digest edition 2009/1 : The use of ICTs in schools in the digital age: what does the research say?, Marion Meiers, Pat Knight, and Gerry White

Restricted access : young people, online networks and school, T Notley


The On Track Survey 2008: The Destinations of School Leavers in Victoria, Sheldon Rothman, Kylie Hillman, Phillip McKenzie, and Gary Marks

Submissions from 2008

Think critically : against mandatory ICT, Jefferey Hodges


Victorian blueprint for school reform, Steve Holden

Lead on : ICT leadership in schools, T Keane

Think creatively for ICT, P Kent and R McEwan


Supporting New Teachers In Victorian Schools : Making The Teacher Registration Process An Opportunity For Professional Learning, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, Lawrence Ingvarson, and Jenny Wilkinson

Innovation and information ICT in the Asia Pacific, R Leech


Notebook computers : they're back, David Loader


A Digital Education Revolution : Realising the Possibilities, Managing the Realities, Linda Rosman, Gerald K. White, and Kerry-Anne Hoad


Digital learning: an Australian Research Agenda, Gerald K. White

ICT in education, Gerald K. White


ICT Trends in Education, Gerald K. White

ICT trends in education II, Gerald K. White

Submissions from 2007


Student use of, and engagement with, information technology, John Ainley and Laura Engers


National assessment program : ICT literacy years 6 & 10 report 2005, John Ainley; Julian Fraillon; Chris Freeman; and Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA)


Is school wide adoption of ICT change for the better?, Katherine Dix


Improving consistency in teacher judgements : an investigation for the Department of Education, Victoria, Marion Meiers, Clare Ozolins, and Phillip McKenzie


PISA 2003 Australia : ICT Use and Familiarity at School and Home, Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli

Submissions from 2006


Enhancing employment opportunities for Indigenous Victorians : a review of the literature, Nola Purdie, Tracey Frigo, Alison Stone, and Wendy Dick

Submissions from 2005


Measuring Australian Students' ICT Literacy, John Ainley


An evidence-based approach to school improvement: A case study of the Victorian Catholic Education Office, Melbourne, Teresa Angelico


Using Online Assessment to Inform Teaching and Learning in Primary and Secondary Classrooms, Jim Tognolini


The Victorian Institute of Teaching : standards and professional learning, Jenny Wilkinson, Adrian Beavis, Lawrence Ingvarson, and Elizabeth Kleinhenz

Submissions from 2004


Teacher Education Courses In Victoria: Perceptions Of Their Effectiveness And Factors Affecting Their Impact, Lawrence Ingvarson, Adrian Beavis, and Elizabeth Kleinhenz

Submissions from 1998


What's the point? Political attitudes of Victorian year 11 students, Suzanne Mellor

Submissions from 1995


Evaluating the integration of learning technology in Queensland state schools: A case study of the Queensland Sunrise Centre, Glenn D. Finger

Submissions from 1992


Learning with personal computers: issues, observations and perspectives, Helga A.H. Rowe, Irene Brown, and Isabel Lesman

Submissions from 1991


The Queensland Sunrise Centre: a report of the first year, Michael Ryan, Jenny Betts, Greg Grimmett, Karen Hallett, and Dave Mitchell

Submissions from 1948


Opinions of Victorian teachers on co-education, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Submissions from 1945


Libraries in secondary schools: a report on the libraries of secondary schools in Victoria, with suggestions for a post-war plan for school libraries prepared for the Australian Institute of Librarians (Victorian Branch), Frank G. Kirby