Gender and education
Submissions from 2024
Supporting out-of-school girls and children and youth from marginalised groups in the ASEAN region: A review of promising practices, Anna Dabrowski, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Payal Goundar, Debbie Wong, and Jeaniene Spink
Are we preparing girls for a world they cannot change?, Rachel Parker
Supporting the advancement of girls’ education, Jeaniene Spink and Debbie Wong
Gender barriers to basic digital skills for employment in the ASEAN region: A review of promising practices, Louise Wignall, Anita Roberts, Justin Brown, and Syeda Kashfee Ahmed
Submissions from 2023
Examining evidence for success in the Zambian Girls 2030 programme, ACER India
Equity and equality in learning in Asia-Pacific: What do results from large-scale assessments tell us? Gender in focus policy brief, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski, Jacqueline Cheng, Victoria Klimova, and Isabella McCallum
Eight ways to better engage girls in digital technologies education, Sarah Buckley and Kristy Osborne
Infographic: Girls’ interest in engineering, Dominique Russell
Infographic: Teacher age and gender over the years, Dominique Russell
Books from 2022
Are girls more resilient in literacy and numeracy than boys?, Sri Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Rahmawati Rahmawati, Aditya Aditya, Dian Rahdiani, Haryo Susetiyo, and Mega Riyanti Bayu Putri
Submissions from 2021
Measuring the impact of a girls education program in Zambia
Infographic: What girls want in school sport uniforms, Dominique Russell
Improving girls’ educational and employment opportunities in Zambia, Sanjay Tripathi
Australian boys’ and girls’ enjoyment of reading, Catherine Underwood
Submissions from 2020
Gender and ethnicity in Myanmar education. Baseline study report for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Committee, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Toby Carslake, Anna Dabrowski, and Petra Lietz
Submissions from 2019
Gender disparity in STEM: Evidence from India, Abha Bhagat and R Vijayaraghavan
Gender disparity in STEM: Evidence from India, Abha Bhagat and R Vijayaraghavan
Gender Differences in Computer and Information Literacy: An In-depth Analysis of Data from ICILS, Eveline Gebhardt, Sue Thomson, John Ainley, and Kylie Hillman
The politics of gender, caste, and education in India, Vimala Ramachandran
Infographic: Top sports by gender, Dominique Russell
Submissions from 2018
Girls challenge stereotypes in gaming competition, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Single-sex schooling and girls’ achievement in Australia, Katherine Dix
The Research Files Episode 38: Girls in STEM, Jo Earp and Linda Hobbs
Improving girls’ education in Malawi, Sally Robertson
The Research Files Episode 47: Gender bias in Science education, Rebecca Vukovic
Submissions from 2017
Improving girls’ education in Malawi, Sally Robertson
Girls’ Primary and Secondary Education in Malawi: Sector Review: Final Report, Sally Robertson, Elizabeth Cassity, and Esthery Kunkwenzu
Submissions from 2016
Closing the gender gap in maths, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Gender and sex differences in student participation, achievement and engagement in mathematics, Sarah Buckley
Infographic: Girls’ confidence, Jo Earp
Infographic: STEM and gender, Jo Earp
Submissions from 2015
Gender differences in educational outcomes in Afghanistan, ACER
Monitoring Trends in Educational Growth : Class 6 girls and boys in Afghanistan 2013, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Class 6 girls and boys in Afghanistan 2013 : comparing outcomes of girls and boys from a learning assessment of mathematical, reading and writing literacy, Alla Routitsky, Rachel Stanyon, and Maurice Walker
Submissions from 2014
Snapshots issue 4: Boys, girls and mathematics, Lisa De Bortoli
Gender and Mathematics: Quality and equity, Sue Thomson
Maths + confidence = higher scores for boys, Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli
Events from 2013
Do boys and girls read differently online? Evidence from PISA 2009 digital reading assessment, Tom Lumley, Dara Ramalingam, and Juliette Mendelovits
Submissions from 2012
Children’s numeracy skills, Galina Daraganova and John Ainley
The influence of ability beliefs and motivational orientation on the self-efficacy of high school science students in Thailand, Thanita Lerdpornkulrat, Ravinder Koul, and Chuchai Sujivorakul
Preparing Australian students for the digital world : results from the PISA 2009 Digital Reading Literacy Assessment, Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli
‘I’m telling you … the language barrier is the most, the biggest challenge’ : barriers to education among Karen refugee women in Australia, Paula G. Watkins, Husna Razee, and Juliet Richters
Submissions from 2011
Women principals in small schools in South Africa, Jacky Lumby and Cristina Azaola
Submissions from 2010
Estimating Gender Ratios of Poor Reading Using Large-Scale Assessments, Lisa Limbrick, Kevin Wheldall, and Alison Madelaine
Starry eyes and subservient selves: Portraits of ‘well-rounded’ girlhood in the prospectuses of all-girl elite private schools, Natasha Wardman, Rachael Hutchesson, Kristina Gottschall, Christopher Drew, and Sue Saltmarsh
Submissions from 2009
And the schoolgirls showed the way, Russell Doust
Submissions from 2008
Effects of single-sex and coeducational schooling on the gender gap in educational achievement, Sheree J. Gibb, David M. Fergusson, and L John Horwood
Gender matters : facing the challenge in girls' schools, M Hansen
Information technology, gender imbalance and what to do about it, D Roddick
Boys and girls and stereotypes, C Scott
Submissions from 2006
BIG Issues In Boys’ Education : Auditory Processing Capacity, Literacy And Behaviour, Ken Rowe and Kathy Rowe
Submissions from 2003
Gender differences in educational and labour market outcomes., Kylie Hillman, Sheldon Rothman, and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Submissions from 2002
Boys in School and Society, John Cresswell, Ken Rowe, and Graeme Withers
What Matters Most : Evidence-Based Findings of Key Factors Affecting the Educational Experiences and Outcomes for Girls and Boys Throughout Their Primary and Secondary Schooling, Ken Rowe and Kathy Rowe