ACER undertakes and promotes research that focuses on key issues related to the improvement of educational outcomes for Indigenous students.
Submissions from 2014
Remote school's first graduates, ACER
Revisiting Indigenous primary school experiences, ACER
Revisiting Indigenous student engagement and retention, ACER
Supporting Indigenous educational researchers, ACER
The post-school transitions of Indigenous learners, ACER
Negotiating Competing Education Values: Equality, equity, quality and Indigenous rights, Peter Buckskin, Gary Thomas, and Zane Ma Rhea
Learning, Earning and Yearning: The case for positive disruption, innovation and expansion in Indigenous education, Tony Dreise
Unfinished business: PISA shows Indigenous youth are being left behind, Tony Dreise and Sue Thomson
Addressing educational disadvantage, Deirdre Jackson
Plenary 4 - Indigenous and Rural Students: Double whammy or golden opportunity? Evidence from South Australia and around the world, Petra Lietz, I Gusti Ngurah Darmawan, Lester-Irabinna Rigney, R. John Halsey, and Carol Aldous
Snapshot: Indigenous educators in Australia, Danielle Meloney
Defining success in remote schools, Gina Milgate
Listening to the school community, Gina Milgate
Submissions from 2013
Indigenous Education Update 1 - March 2013
Indigenous student maths achievement in context, ACER
Evaluation of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy Initiative : final report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Reconciliation Action Plan, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Footprints in Time : Who Am I? and Renfrew Word Finding Vocabulary Test : report on wave 2 data, Sarah Buckley, Catherine Underwood, and Nola Purdie
Making a difference : improving outcomes for Indigenous learners, Michele Lonsdale
Creating an Effective School for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students, Gina Milgate and Brian Giles-Browne
Submissions from 2012
Starting school : a strengths‐based approach towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, Stephanie Armstrong, Sarah Buckley, Michele Lonsdale, Gina Milgate, Laura Bennetts Kneebone, Louise Cook, and Fiona Skelton
Case 6: Armidale High School, NSW - Backtrack Community Partnership, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Review of the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage : Key Indicators report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Promoting teacher quality and continuity : tackling the disadvantages of remote Indigenous schools in the Northern Territory, Inga Brasche and Ingrid Harrington
Indigenous children in Australia : health, education and optimism for the future, Zaza Lyons and Aleksandar Janca
Submissions from 2011
Analysis of Year 12 or Certificate II attainment of Indigenous young people – Stage 1 : a report prepared for the Council of Australian Governments Reform Council, John Ainley, Sarah Buckley, Adrian Beavis, Sheldon Rothman, and Alice Tovey
Dispelling myths: Indigenous students’ engagement with university, Christine Asmar, Susan Page, and Ali Radloff
Final report : the Deadly Awards Nomination and Voting System Review and Research Project, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and Michele Lonsdale
Successful post school transitions for Indigenous youth., Justin Brown and Gina Milgate
Key factors influencing educational outcomes for Indigenous students and their implications for planning and practice in the NT., Jonathon Carapetis and Sven Silburn
Reporting against the National Indigenous Reform Agreement: What have we learnt so far?, Kate Connors
Lunchtime Talkback - Indigenous Students and Large Scale Assessments such as NAPLAN: How do we make sure we get an accurate picture of what Indigenous students know?, Chris Freeman and Frances Eveleigh
Educational Success: A sustainable outcome for all Indigenous students when teachers understand where the learning journey begins., Jeannie Herbert
Research-based literacy and numeracy resource for Indigenous students., Margaret James and Cath Pearn
Indigenous curriculum is out there but lacking a quality teaching base., John Lester
Literature review relating to the current context and discourse of Indigenous tertiary education in Australia, Michele Lonsdale, Greta Rollo, Jenny Wilkinson, Ali Radloff, Stephanie Armstrong, Gina Milgate, and Jenny Trevitt
Evaluation of the Sporting Chance Program, Michele Lonsdale, Jenny Wilkinson, Stephanie Armstrong, David McClay, Sharon Clerke, Jocelyn Cook, Kanat Wano, Robert Simons, Gina C. Milgate, Meredith Bramich, and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Incorporating and understanding different ways of knowing in the education of Indigenous students., Jill Milroy
Numeracy, Mathematics and Indigenous Learners: Not the same old thing., Caty Morris and Chris Matthews
Success in the early years for remote Indigenous children., Georgie Nutton
Two Way Teaching and Learning: Toward Culturally Reflective and Relevant Education, Nola Purdie, Gina Milgate, and Hannah Rachel Bell
Literacy and Numeracy Learning: Lessons from the Longitudinal Literacy and Numeracy Study for Indigenous Students, Nola Purdie, Kate Reid, Tracey Frigo, Alison Stone, and Elizabeth Kleinhenz
Indigenous primary school experiences, Kate Reid
Creating Indigenous Classrooms of Tomorrow Today: What children will need to know and how to create it?, Lester-Irabinna Rigney
Enhancing education, Sheldon Rothman, David Slattery, Sarah Buckley, and John Ainley
Indigenous Mathematics: Creating an equitable learning environment., Grace Sarra
Indigenous Education: Finding face, making space, having place., Lorna Williams
Submissions from 2010
ACER Standing Committee on Indigenous Education
OLPC in remote Indigenous communities
National assessment program : ICT literacy years 6 & 10 report 2008, John Ainley; Julian Fraillon; Chris Freeman; and Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA)
Ways of knowing: Incorporating indigenous ways of learning into education, Hannah Rachel Bell
The utility of general self-esteem and domain-specific self-concepts: Their influence on Indigenous and non-Indigenous students’ educational outcomes, Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews, Virginia O'Rourke, and Rhonda G. Craven
Contextual factors that influence the achievement of Australia’s Indigenous students: Results from PISA 2000–2006, Lisa De Bortoli and Sue Thomson
Issues of social equity in access and success in mathematics learning for indigenous students, Robyn Jorgenson
Using television to improve learning opportunities for Indigenous Children, Michele Lonsdale
One Laptop Per Child in remote Indigenous communities, Gina Milgate
Content fundamentals for a TV show aimed at Indigenous children aged 3 to 6: a literature review and discussion paper, David Norris
School attendance and retention of Indigenous Australian students, Nola Purdie and Sarah Buckley
Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice (First Edition), Nola Purdie, Pat Dudgeon, and Roz Walker
Closing the gap : arts education on the Top End, Ralph Saubern
Submissions from 2009
Innovate : break down your classroom walls, F Brown
The achievement of Australia's Indigenous students in PISA 2000-2006, Lisa De Bortoli and Sue Thomson
Suspension : quick fix or lasting harm?, Sheryl Hemphill and John Hargreaves
Culture-fair assessment leading to culturally responsive pedagogy with Indigenous students, Val Klenowski and Thelma Gertz
A Way Forward For Indigenous Languages, Nola Purdie
Successful sustainable literacy practice for Indigenous students, Nola Purdie
Throwing out baby with the bathwater?, P Shaw
Improving on average : a close look at maths and science, Sue Thomson
Young Australian Indigenous students’ engagement with numeracy: Actions that assist to bridge the gap, Elizabeth Warren and Eva de Vries
Reaching their potential : what's working with Indigenous students, Jenny Wilkinson
Health and welfare, and literacy and numeracy : incredible, M Winkler
Submissions from 2008
More than just teaching : educating indigenous young people from remote communities, M Doecke
A 'formidable challenge': Australia's quest for equity in Indigenous education, Jan Gray and Quentin Beresford
Shoulder to Shoulder : Information for Aboriginal families who have a child or young person with a disability, Gina Milgate
Indigenous education, imagining the future - the role of educators, Wayne Muir
Indigenous Languages Programmes in Australian Schools - A Way Forward, Nola Purdie, Tracey Frigo, Clare Ozolins, Geoff Noblett, Nick Thieberger, and Janet Sharp
Leadership in Indigenous education, Nola Purdie and Jenny Wilkinson
International league : Australia's standing in international tests, Sue Thomson
Dare to Achieve : a bold curriculum, M Tiller
Submissions from 2007
Leaders acting to improve outcomes for Indigenous students, Paul Hughes, Susan Matthews, and Gavin Khan
Embracing the challenge of leadership in Indigenous education, Chris Sarra
Submissions from 2006
Enhancing employment opportunities for Indigenous Victorians : a review of the literature, Nola Purdie, Tracey Frigo, Alison Stone, and Wendy Dick
Achievement of Australia's Early Secondary Indigenous Students: Findings from TIMSS 2003, Sue Thomson, Pippa McKelvie, and Hanna Murnane
Submissions from 2005
Education and labour market outcomes for Indigenous young people., Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Indigenous students and literacy and numeracy: What does the research say?, Nola Purdie and Alison Stone
Submissions from 2004
Australia's Indigenous Students in PISA 2000 : Results from an International Study, Lisa De Bortoli and John Cresswell
Supporting English Literacy and Numeracy Learning for Indigenous Students in the Early Years, Tracey Frigo, Matthew Corrigan, Isabelle Adams, Paul Hughes, Maria Stephens, and Davina Woods
New Effort Needed to Improve Indigenous Education, Suzanne Mellor and Matthew Corrigan
The Case for Change : A review of contemporary research on Indigenous education outcomes, Suzanne Mellor and Matthew Corrigan
Literacy and numeracy development for Indigenous students : A longitudinal study, Nola Purdie
Engaging Indigenous Students at School: An Evaluation of the Deadly Vibe Magazine, Nola Purdie, Louise Ellis, and Alison Stone
Submissions from 2003
Engaging secondary school students in lifelong learning, Jennifer Bryce and Graeme Withers
Submissions from 2002
Evaluation of the University of Canberra Programme for Advanced Literacy Development Scaffolding Literacy Programme with Indigenous Children in School, John Cresswell, Catherine Underwood, Graeme Withers, and Isabelle Adams
Diversity and learning in the early years of school, Tracey Frigo and Isabelle Adams
Messages for Minority Groups in Australia from International Studies, Lisa Greenwood, Tracey Frigo, and Paul Hughes
Submissions from 2001
Research into the numeracy development of Aboriginal students : implications for the NSW K-10 Mathematics Syllabus, Tracey Frigo and Lee Simpson
15-Up And Counting, Reading, Writing, Reasoning : How Literate Are Australian Students? : The PISA 2000 Survey Of Students' Reading, Mathematical And Scientific Literacy Skills, Jan Lokan, Lisa Greenwood, and John Cresswell