Program monitoring and evaluation | Program and policy evaluation | Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

ACER works to connect research, policy and practices that are effective in improving learning outcomes. Specialists in program evaluation undertake reviews of education initiatives, and work with systems on improvement. ACER also assists with government audits, and contributes to reviews related to education.


Submissions from 2024


Children’s University in Australia and New Zealand: Reach and impact, Katherine Dix, Shani Sniedze, and Tamara Van Der Zant


The impact of Child Learning Centres on parenting practices and early childhood development: Lessons from the Rumah Anak SIGAP Program 2021-2023, Bakir Haryanto, Fayna Faradiena, Budiarti Rahayu, Hani Yulindrasari, Urip Purwono, and Radi Negara


Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program: Evaluation report, Tamara Van Der Zant and Katherine Dix


Evaluation of the Smiling Mind Primary School Program 2023, Tamara Van Der Zant, Katherine Dix, and Toby Carslake

Submissions from 2023


Teacher Development Multi-Year Study Series. Vanuatu: Final Report, Elizabeth Cassity, Debbie Wong, Jevelin Wendiady, and Jennie Chainey


The Overcoming Disadvantage in Early Childhood Study: Evaluation of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation’s Early Language and Literacy Program. Summary report, Dan Cloney, Kellie Picker, David Jeffries, and Prue Anderson


Be You Evaluation 2021-2023: Report of the national evaluation for Beyond Blue, Katherine Dix, Tamara Van Der Zant, and Toby Carslake


Smiling Mind Evaluation 2021-2022: Effectiveness of the Smiling Mind Primary School program, Katherine Dix, Tamara Van Der Zant, Toby Carslake, Rachel Felgate, and Syeda Kashfee Ahmed


Policy brief: Monitoring and evaluating global citizenship education in the Asia-Pacific region, Payal Goundar and Rachel Parker


Mid-term evaluation report (final): Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Centre Phase 3, Valerie Haugen

Submissions from 2022


International Standard Setting Exercise, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Minimum Proficiency Levels Unpacked, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


The Overcoming Disadvantage in Early Childhood Study: Evaluation of the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation’s Early Language and Literacy Program. Final Report, Dan Cloney, Kellie Picker, David Jeffries, and Prue Anderson


A formative evaluation of the program for student representatives in a university discipline panel, Diana Genevive Layag

Submissions from 2021


GEM Centre: Completion report for Phase 2 funding, 2017–2020, Australian Council for Educational Research


Evidence of impact underpinning Life Education Programs, Katherine Dix, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Toby Carslake, and Shani Sniedze

Submissions from 2020


Wellbeing Systematic Review Impact Map and Evidence Gap Map, Toby Carslake and Katherine Dix


ResourceSmart Schools and wellbeing. Main study, Katherine Dix, Toby Carslake, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, and Shani Sniedze


The impact of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) on student wellbeing and other related social-emotional learning outcomes, Katherine Dix and Shani Sniedze

Events from 2019


Evaluating I2S2: An inquiry-based Indigenous science program for Years 5 to 9, Caja Gilbert


Measurement of young children's learning for program evaluation, Jen Jackson, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Toby Carslake, and Petra Lietz


Little J & Big Cuz: A school readiness initiative: Final report and case studies, Kathryn Moyle


Revision or Re-vision: Exploring approaches to the differentiation of qualification types in the Australian Qualifications Framework, Kate Perkins, Justin Brown, Paul R. Weldon, and Louise Wignall


Education Expenditure in Australia, James Mahmud Rice, Daniel Edwards, and Julie McMillan


What Do Schools Want from Engagement with Business?, Sheldon Rothman


Developing a tool for analysing national assessment systems, Ursula Schwantner

Submissions from 2018


Buk bilong Pikinini Literacy Program Evaluation 2018: Evaluation Report, Dan Cloney and Prue Anderson


Thinking Maths: Learning Impact Fund Evaluation Report: Addendum to the Evaluation Report, Katherine Dix, Hilary Hollingsworth, and Toby Carslake


Thinking Maths: Learning Impact Fund Evaluation Report: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary, Katherine Dix, Hilary Hollingsworth, and Toby Carslake


Making a difference through Quality Teaching Rounds: Evidence from a sustained program of research, Jennifer Gore


Evaluating the impact of teaching assistants, Mirkka Jokelainen


Super synthesis: Evidence of what works in education for development, Jeaniene Spink


Challenges in STEM learning in Australian schools: Literature and policy review, Michael J. Timms, Kathryn Moyle, Paul R. Weldon, and Pru Mitchell

Submissions from 2017


Lifting achievement levels and improving the return on Australia’s investment in schooling : Submission to the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools (chair: Mr David Gonski), Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Teacher Development Multi-Year Studies: Conceptual framework, Hilary Hollingsworth, Elizabeth Cassity, Debbie Wong, and Jacqueline Cheng


Evaluation of the In2science Peer Mentoring Program: Final Report, Julie Kos, Jacynta Krakouer, and Sheldon Rothman


Review of the Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (PREQ): Final report, Ali Radloff, Darren Matthews, Yan Bibby, and Daniel Edwards


Stronger Smarter: A sustained and enduring approach to Indigenous education (whether education researchers know it or not!), Chris Sarra

Submissions from 2016


Review of Years 9 to 12 Tasmania : Final report, Geoff N. Masters, Kathryn Moyle, Sheldon Rothman, Hilary Hollingsworth, Bill Perrett, Paul R. Weldon, Kate Perkins, Justin Brown, Ali Radloff, Patricia Freeman, and Sofi Damianidis

Submissions from 2015


Evaluation of ICT in Education in Papua Province (ACDP-045): Final Report, Susanne Owen, John Hunt, Eda Simanjuntak, Eko Sediyono, Prapto Yuwono, Sri Yulianto, and Wigati Yektinintys Modouw

Submissions from 2014


Study on Teacher Absenteeism in Indonesia 2014, Phillip McKenzie, Dita Nugroho, Clare Ozolins, Julie McMillan, Sudarno Sumarto, Nina Toyamah, Vita Febriany, R Justin Sodo, Luhur Bima, and Armand Arief Sim


Teacher Absenteeism in Indonesia: Policy Brief, Phillip McKenzie, Dita Nugroho, Clare Ozolins, Julie McMillan, Sudarno Sumarto, Nina Toyamah, Vita Febriany, R Justin Sodo, Luhur Bima, and Armand Arief Sim


Independent evaluation of ASIC’s implementation of the Helping Our Kids Understand Finances initiative, Robert Simons

Submissions from 2013


Evaluation of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy Initiative : final report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Partnering for school improvement : case studies of school-community partnerships in Australia, Sharon Clerke


Partnering for success, Sharon Clerke


Snapshot of school–community partnerships in Australian schools, Sharon Clerke


StartSmart Impact Report, Commonwealth Bank Foundation


Literacy and numeracy interventions in the early years of schooling : a literature review : report to the Ministerial Advisory Group on Literacy and Numeracy, Marion Meiers, Kate Reid, Phillip McKenzie, and Suzanne Mellor


Formative evaluation of textbooks and workbooks in South Africa, Rachel Outhred, Adrian Beavis, Catherine Stubberfield, Jenny Wilkinson, Martin Murphy, and David Kelly

Submissions from 2012


The failure of progressive classroom reform : lessons from the Curriculum Reform Implementation Project in Papua New Guinea, Gerard Guthrie


Preparing 21st century learners: the case for school-community collaborations, Michele Lonsdale and Michelle Anderson


Measuring and rewarding school improvement, Geoff N. Masters


Evaluation of the assessment and rating process under the National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care, Sheldon Rothman, David Kelly, Bridie Raban, Mollie Tobin, Jocelyn Cook, Kate O’Malley, Clare Ozolins, and Meredith Bramich

Submissions from 2011

Final Evaluation Report: Supporting Improved Literacy Achievement (SILA) Project, Robert Hattam, Lyn Kerkham, John Walsh, Jenny Barnett, Dianne Bills, Petra Lietz, and Mollie Tobin


School-Community Partnerships in Australian Schools, Michele Lonsdale


Final report: the benefits of school–business relationships, Michele Lonsdale, Alana Deery, Sharon Clerke, Michelle Anderson, Emma Curtin, Pat Knight, and Meredith Bramich


Evaluation of the Sporting Chance Program, Michele Lonsdale, Jenny Wilkinson, Stephanie Armstrong, David McClay, Sharon Clerke, Jocelyn Cook, Kanat Wano, Robert Simons, Gina C. Milgate, Meredith Bramich, and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


Gambling and young people in Australia, Nola Purdie, Gabrielle Matters, Kylie Hillman, Martin Murphy, Clare Ozolins, and Pam Millwood


Assessment of current process for targeting of schools funding to disadvantaged students: A report prepared for the Review of Funding for Schooling Panel, Adam Rorris, Paul R. Weldon, Adrian Beavis, Phillip McKenzie, Meredith Bramich, and Alana Deery


Children’s Independent Mobility : and the Mobile Phone: 8 to 12 year olds, Catherine Underwood

Submissions from 2010


Evaluation of One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) : Trial project in the Solomon Islands, ACER


MindMatters evaluation report, ACER


Schools First: 2009 public report, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), National Australia Bank (NAB), and Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)


Evaluation of OLPC programs global : a literature review, Dita Nugroho and Michele Lonsdale


First interim report of Schools First: Evaluation of the 2009 awards, Robert Simons

Submissions from 2009


Preschool Education in Australia, Andrew Dowling and Kate O’Malley

Submissions from 2008


Output Measurement in Education, Andrew Dowling


Schools First: Final Report, Michele Lonsdale


Harnessing Educational Cooperation in the East Asia Summit (EAS) for Regional Competitiveness and Community Building, Phillip McKenzie, Robert Horne, Andrew Dowling, and Adrian Beavis


An Evaluation of the Getting it Right: Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in Western Australian Schools, Marion Meiers, Lawrence Ingvarson, Adrian Beavis, John Hogan, and Elizabeth Kleinhenz

Sexuality education in schools : you don't have to be an expert, G Schroeder

Dare to Achieve : a bold curriculum, M Tiller

Submissions from 2007


Australia's school funding system, Andrew Dowling

Submissions from 2006


National survey of health and well-being promotion policies and practices in secondary schools, John Ainley, Graeme Withers, Catherine Underwood, and Tracey Frigo

Submissions from 2005


Evaluation of the Getting it Right Literacy and Numeracy Strategy in Western Australian Schools : Using data to support student learning, Marion Meiers

Submissions from 2004


Evaluation of school-based arts education programmes in Australian schools, Jennifer Bryce, Juliette Mendelovits, Adrian Beavis, Joy McQueen, and Isabelle Adams


Evaluation of the Middle Years Reform Program, Gerald Elsworth, Elizabeth Kleinhenz, and Adrian Beavis


Evaluating Australian teachers, Lawrence Ingvarson and Elizabeth Kleinhenz

Submissions from 2000


The Assessments We Need, Geoff N. Masters and Margaret Forster

Submissions from 1991


The Queensland Sunrise Centre: a report of the first year, Michael Ryan, Jenny Betts, Greg Grimmett, Karen Hallett, and Dave Mitchell