Infographics from ACER's Teacher magazine.
Infographic: The professions viewed as most ethical by the public
Dominique Russell
A recent survey measured public attitudes to ethical conduct across society. In this infographic, you can see how each occupational sector scored in the Ethics Index for 2020, and how different occupations within the education sector are viewed by the public.
Infographic: Rural, regional and remote professional learning
Dominique Russell
AITSL conducted surveys in 2018 and 2019 on the current arrangements of professional learning in rural, regional and remote schools across the country. Here, we look at some of the survey responses from teachers on their experiences.
Infographic: Australian achievement trends in TIMSS
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) measures how well Year 4 and Year 8 students from around the world are performing in science and mathematics. In this infographic we look at Australian student achievement over time.
Infographic: My eighth Teacher alphabet
Jo Earp
What do you need information on? Strategies for implementing school improvement? Resources for building cultural responsiveness? Ideas for online excursions? The eighth Teacher alphabet brings you quick links to popular content that you might find useful.
Infographic: Remote learning during COVID-19
Jo Earp
To assess student access to remote learning during school closures due to COVID-19, UNICEF collected data about broadcast (television and radio) and digital (internet-based) instruction policies from more than 100 ministries of education around the world. Today’s infographic shares some of the findings.
Infographic: VET in Schools
Jo Earp
Annual data on school students in Australia undertaking vocational education and training (VET) as part of their Senior Secondary Certificate of Education has been released by NCVER. Today’s infographic looks at the headline figures, qualification levels and the most popular training packages for 2019.
Infographic: Public perceptions of the teaching profession
Jo Earp
Researchers from Monash University surveyed teachers and members of the public in Australia about public perceptions of the teaching profession. Today’s infographic takes a look at the responses on the topic of appreciation.
Infographic: Student word choice during a pandemic
Dominique Russell
Children aged 8-14 in Australia recently submitted a 100 word story responding to the prompt ‘A different world – living in lockdown’ for a story-writing event. Their word choices were analysed and in this infographic, we see how their word choices compare to previous instalments of the event.
Infographic: From one teacher to another
Jo Earp
Each year, we ask readers to share a piece of advice. In today’s infographic we share some of the responses we’ve received on teaching and leading. What would your piece of advice be?
Infographic: Students living with disability
Dominique Russell
A recent survey conducted by Mission Australia highlights how the experiences of young people with a disability differ to young people living without disability. Topics included inclusion, issues of personal concern and post-school plans. Here, we look at how some of their responses compare.
Infographic: News and young Australians
Dominique Russell
A survey of young Australians has illustrated how young people access, perceive and are affected by news media. Here, we look at some of the key findings from the survey, which was conducted following the bushfire crisis and at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Infographic: Proficiency in financial literacy
Dominique Russell
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines student understanding about money matters. Here, we look at 15-year-old students’ understanding of and attitudes towards money in the 20 countries and economies that participated in this optional portion of the assessment in 2018.
Infographic: My seventh Teacher alphabet
Jo Earp
What do you need information on? Strategies for identifying and supporting gifted learners? Digital literacy? Learning Walks and Talks? Indigenous perspectives in maths? The seventh Teacher alphabet brings you quick links to popular content that you might find useful.
Infographic: Principal wellbeing – Sources of stress and support
Dominique Russell
The latest Principal Health and Wellbeing Survey reveals 19 sources of stress for school leaders. In this infographic, we look at the top 10 sources of stress reported by school leaders, and their top 5 sources of support.
Infographic: Teenage career expectations over time
Dominique Russell
A new report from the OECD explores the career aspirations of 15-year-olds from across the world. In this infographic, we look at the percentage of boys and girls expecting to work in one of the 10 most commonly cited jobs when they are 30 years old, and how their career choices have changed over time.
Infographic: Wise words on professional development
Dominique Russell
Each year in the Teacher reader survey, we ask you: ‘looking back on your experience as an educator, if you could share one piece of advice with your peers, what would it be?’ In this infographic, we take a look at some of your responses on the topic of professional development.
Infographic: Closing the Gap Report 2020
Dominique Russell
Australia’s annual Closing the Gap Report communicates progress towards government targets for Indigenous Australians in areas like education, health and employment. In this infographic, we take a look at results detailed in the 2020 report related to education targets.
Infographic: Principals’ working time
Jo Earp
The latest cycle of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) asked principals in Australia about the time they allocated to various tasks throughout the year, including curriculum-and teaching-related tasks and meetings, administrative tasks and meetings, and student interactions. This infographic takes a look at the results.
Infographic: Child online safety
Dominique Russell
Results of a cyber safety survey conducted over three years with respondents from 30 different countries have recently been released. DQ Institute surveyed 145 426 children and adolescents on issues related to cyber safety to assess which countries are considered safest.
Infographic: Sleep and schoolwork
Jo Earp
A new Health Behaviour in School Aged Children study offers insights into the lives of 11- to 15-year-olds in England. Our latest infographic looks at the proportions of young people who reported not having enough sleep to be able to concentrate on their schoolwork, and how the figures have changed since 2014.
Infographic: A teacher’s weekly workload
Jo Earp
The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) asked teachers about their working hours. This infographic shows the average number of hours teachers in Australia reported having spent on a range of activities in the most recent calendar week prior to the survey, including during weekends, evenings and other out-of-class time.
Infographic: Wise words on collaboration
Dominique Russell
What advice would you offer to your peers, thinking about your experience as an educator? We put this question to you in our annual reader survey. This infographic looks at some of the responses we received on the topic of collaboration.
Infographic: School safety – global comparisons
Jo Earp
The latest OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2018) asked principals about safety at their school, including incidents of bullying and cyberbullying, intimidation or verbal abuse of teachers and staff, and violence among students. Today’s infographic compares results from Australia to six other countries and global averages.
Infographic: PISA 2018 – Australian results by state and territory
Jo Earp
The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) measures how well 15-year-olds are prepared to use their skills and knowledge to meet real-life challenges. The 2018 data show Australian student performance in all three assessment domains is in long-term decline. This infographic looks at the low and high performers by jurisdiction.
Infographic: PISA 2018 – Australian trends and comparison
Jo Earp
Results from the OECD's 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have been released. The data show Australian student performance is in long-term decline. This infographic looks at Australia’s PISA performance over time, and how the 2018 results compare internationally.