Literacy and numeracy
Books from 2017
Financial Literacy, Jo Earp
Infographic: Teen reading habits, Jo Earp
Most borrowed picture books, Jo Earp
The Research Files Episode 28: Storytelling and early literacy practices, Jo Earp
The Research Files Episode 29: Student self-regulation skills, Jo Earp
The Research Files Episode 34: Factors influencing maths participation, Jo Earp and Michael Jennings
Teaching Methods: Inquiry based learning with Professor Simone Reinhold, Jo Earp and Simone Reinhold
The Research Files Episode 37: Dr Sue Thomson discusses PIRLS 2016, Jo Earp and Sue Thomson
Evidence-based education needs standardised assessment, Jen Jackson and Ross Turner
Measure for measure, Geoff Masters
How well are we learning from NAPLAN?, Geoff N. Masters AO
Promoting long-term learning progress, Geoff N. Masters AO
Shifting the focus of NAPLAN, Geoff N. Masters AO
Counting the costs and benefits in transition to a digital world, Juliette Mendelovits and Ling Tan
In Africa, many are in school but not learning, Ursula Schwantner
Aussie students equal fifth in financial literacy, Sue Thomson
Reading literacy results good news for Australia, but not all Australians, Sue Thomson
PISA 2015: Financial literacy in Australia, Sue Thomson and Lisa De Bortoli
Highlights from PIRLS 2016: Australia's perspective, Sue Thomson, Kylie Hillman, Marina Schmid, Sima Rodrigues, and Jessica Fullarton
PIRLS 2016: Reporting Australia's results, Sue Thomson, Kylie Hillman, Marina Schmid, Sima Rodrigues, and Jessica Fullarton
LLN Acronyms ACSF FSK and more, Dave Tout
Why addressing literacy and numeracy in VET is a priority, Dave Tout
Review of the PIAAC Numeracy Assessment Framework: Final Report, Dave Tout, Diana Coben, Vince Geiger, Lynda Ginsburg, Kees Hoogland, Terry Maguire, Sue Thomson, and Ross Turner
Principals as Literacy Leaders: A strategy for improving reading engagement and achievement in Australian schools, Tony Townsend
Infographic: Books in the home and student achievement, Rebecca Vukovic
School Improvement Episode 9: Using literacy data to inform strategic planning, Rebecca Vukovic
The Research Files Episode 25: Why young people are easily fooled by fake news, Rebecca Vukovic
Where do students get their money from?, Rebecca Vukovic
Developing evaluative thinking and evidence-based practice: A synthetic case study, Tim Wyatt
Enhancing instructional leadership: Lessons from the NSW Literacy and Numeracy Action Plan, Tim Wyatt
Submissions from 2016
A collaborative approach to national assessment in Saudi Arabia
Everybody counts: Maths teaching for children with Down syndrome, ACER
Monitoring Trends in Educational Growth: Assessment Framework for Afghanistan, ACER Centre for Global Education Monitoring (ACER-GEM)
PISA For Development Technical Strand A: Enhancement of PISA Cognitive Instruments, Ray J. Adams and John Cresswell
Back to the drawing board: A different approach to STEM education, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Closing the gender gap in maths, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Examining Australia’s achievement in TIMSS 2015, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
How to foster early numeracy skill development, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Improving literacy and numeracy in the Pacific, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
In Africa many are in school but not learning: new report on learning assessments, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Maths literacy a concern for all – not just maths teachers, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Mixing it up: Transdisciplinary research offers new perspectives on education, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Monitoring Trends in Educational Growth in Afghanistan : class 6 school factors 2013, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
PISA 2015: Australian students’ achievement, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Solomon Islands Standardised Tests of Achievement (SISTA). English and Mathematics. Year 4 and Year 6. Report 1 Main Study 2015, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics: Audit of curricula, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Stemming the flow: Reversing low STEM achievement, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Supporting traumatised children in the classroom, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
TIMSS: What it will take to lift maths and science learning?, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Turning theory into practice: Teaching STEM to primary students, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Unplugging computer science, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
What Australia can learn from academically high-performing neighbours, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Working together: The UIS and ACER collaborate to advance education, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Film literacy in the primary classroom, Marc Barrett
Closing the gap: Indigenous students and NAPLAN, Tony Dreise
Global Education Episode 6: Developments and challenges in mathematics, Jo Earp
Infographic: Australia’s PISA performance over time, Jo Earp
Infographic: Frequency and enjoyment of writing and reading, Jo Earp
Infographic: STEM and gender, Jo Earp
Infographic: STEM workforce and careers, Jo Earp
Teaching Methods: Engineering Part 1 with Lyn English, Jo Earp
Teaching Methods: Engineering Part 2 with Lyn English, Jo Earp
The Research Files Episode 19: Reading for pleasure, Jo Earp
In Afghanistan, teachers matter, Tim Friedman
Class 6 school factors in Afghanistan 2013 : the relationship between school factors and student outcomes from a learning assessment of mathematical, reading and writing literacy, Tim Friedman, Sally Robertson, Stephanie Templeton, and Maurice Walker
Enhancing students’ mathematical aspirations and mathematical literacy as the foundation for improving STEM learning, Merrilyn Goos
Game on: Engaging students in STEM, Liam Hensel
My space: Improving transition to school for Indigenous children, Jacynta Krakouer
Improving student learning in Mali, Petra Lietz
Reversing the PISA decline: national challenge requires national response, Geoff Masters
20-year slide in maths and science learning, Geoff N. Masters AO
Meeting the learning needs of every student, Geoff N. Masters
Stopping the drift in school performance requires a national action plan, Geoff N. Masters
Infographic: Declining maths participation, Danielle Meloney
A problem-based approach to maths, Cath Pearn
Counting on it : Early numeracy development and the preschool child, Kate Reid
Do the math: Preschool numeracy development, Kate Reid
Fostering Understanding of Early Numeracy Development, Kate Reid and Nicola Andrews
Studying early childhood education in the Philippines, Amanda Taylor
Australian education at the crossroad, Sue Thomson
Low student performance – and what to do about it, Sue Thomson
What can TIMSS tell us about the average Australian classroom?, Sue Thomson
PISA 2015 : a first look at Australia’s results, Sue Thomson, Lisa De Bortoli, and Catherine Underwood
PISA 2015 : a first look at Australia’s results data tables [Excel] [Data set], Sue Thomson, Lisa De Bortoli, and Catherine Underwood
Measuring the impact of citizen-led assessments for improving the quality of education, Mollie Tobin and Petra Lietz
Next steps: measuring reading progress, Ross Turner
The very model of a modern mathematician, Ross Turner
Are Australian mathematical foundations solid enough for the 21st century?, Ross Turner and Dave Tout
Action Research Episode 2: Four teachers, 120 learners, Rebecca Vukovic
Global Education Episode 11: Dr Sue Thomson discusses TIMSS 2015, Rebecca Vukovic
Global Education Episode 12: Dr Sue Thomson discusses PISA 2015, Rebecca Vukovic
Events from 2015
ACER Research Conference Proceedings (2015), ACER
A collaborative approach to national assessment in Saudi Arabia, ACER
Addressing student misconceptions, ACER
A level playing field for Australian schools, ACER
Assessing general capabilities, ACER
Assessment for targeted teaching, ACER
Citizen-led educational monitoring shows promise, ACER
Gender differences in educational outcomes in Afghanistan, ACER
Group-based solutions risk ignoring individuality, ACER