ACER India
Submissions from 2024
Baseline study for a refugee children’s programme in Sudan, ACER India
Discover ACER India, ACER India
Student assessment in Madhya Pradesh, ACER India
Developing a learning outcome map, Abha Bhagat
Guidelines for designing competency-based assessment, Abha Bhagat and Dimple Sood
Teachers’ perceptions of formative assessment for students with disability: A case study from India, Anannya Chakraborty and Amit Kaushik
India's education system must prioritise learning over infrastructure, Ashu Kapoor
Teaching literacy skills to students, Ashtamurthy Killimangalam
A tool to gauge teaching performance, Shreevarshini K, Zulekha Lakhani, and ACER India
Assessment and analytical framework: Standardised Teacher Assessment and Review, Priyanka Sharma
EdTech for learning outcomes and impact: A comprehensive approach, Priyanka Sharma
Project-based learning in the 21st century classroom, Priyanka Sharma and Ashu Kapoor
Submissions from 2023
Analysis and mapping of in-service teacher training programmes to Jordan’s National Teaching Standards, ACER India
Assessing the Catch Up, Scale Up programme in Zambia, ACER India
Development of National Education Assessment Framework (NEAF) for Bhutan, ACER India
Examining evidence for success in the Zambian Girls 2030 programme, ACER India
Introducing competency-based assessment through online workshops, ACER India
Project Management Unit (PMU) to Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE), ACER India
Reforming learning assessments in Chhattisgarh, ACER India
Strengthening systemic capacity on learning assessment and use of data for improving learning, ACER India
Support for the National Student Assessment in Bangladesh, ACER India
Supporting the quality of digital learning: Project brief, Abha Bhagat
The National Student Assessment 2022 in Bangladesh. Grades 3 and 5, Directorate of Primary Education Bangladesh
The National Student Assessment 2022 in Bangladesh. Key findings & learnings, Directorate of Primary Education Bangladesh
Infographic: My second Teacher India alphabet, Jo Earp
Report of Bhutan’s National Education Assessment 2021 published, Mee Young Han
Supporting schools’ and teachers’ use of assessment to inform learning of all students, Ursula Schwantner and Soumaya Maghnouj
Technical support for a micro-scholarship programme to improve learning: Project brief, Bikramjit Sen
Developing and implementing a teacher assessment tool, Shashi Shukla
Submissions from 2022
Teacher professional development for disability inclusion in low- and middle-income Asia-Pacific countries: An evidence and gap map, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, David Jeffries, Anannya Chakraborty, Toby Carslake, Petra Lietz, Budiarti Rahayu, David Armstrong, Amit Kaushik, and Kris Sundarsagar
Infographic: From one teacher to another – reflecting and connecting, Zoe Kaskamanidis
Infographic: My first Teacher India alphabet, Zoe Kaskamanidis
Learning recovery and addressing the learning crisis in the Asia Pacific: Policy brief, Pina Tarricone, Kemran Mestan, Ian Teo, and Yung Nietschke
Submissions from 2021
Ensuring quality in classroom assessments, Shilpi Banerjee
Inquiry-based science education in India: prospects and challenges, Garima Bansal
Citizen-led Assessments: A Model for Evidence-based Advocacy and Action to Improve Learning, Suman Bhattacharjea, Sehar Saeed, Rajib Timalsina, and Syeed Ahamed
Teacher resources on higher order thinking skills, Anannya Chakraborty
Teacher resources on numeracy, Anannya Chakraborty
Peer observation: a collaborative and mutually rewarding activity, Deepali Dharmaraj
Peer observation: Enhancing the experience of giving and receiving feedback, Deepali Dharmaraj
Competency-based learning, Mee Young Han
Promoting thinking routines in Indian classrooms, Divya Kapoor
COVID-19: the need for teacher development in critical thinking pedagogy, Maya Menon
Designing a bottom-up professional development programme, Ashok Pandey
Teacher leadership during COVID-19, Ashok Kumar Pandey
Shortage of subject teachers: a festering wound in the Indian school system, Vimala Ramachandran
Online school assessments: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, Kavita Sanghvi
Enhancing the National Assessment System to Improve Learning Outcomes in Bhutan: Case Study 2020-2021, Anu Radha Sharma, Anannya Chakraborty, and Arjun Kumar Gurung
National Education Policy 2020: education opportunities after school completion, Jyoti Sharma and Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
Understanding competency based learning for mathematical literacy, Sri Aurobindo Society and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Understanding competency based learning for reading literacy, Sri Aurobindo Society and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Understanding competency based learning for scientific literacy, Sri Aurobindo Society and Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Submissions from 2020
Fun with grammar, Beena Anil
The Annual Status of Education Report survey: Monitoring learning levels of children in rural India, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Re-examining participatory approaches in education, Anannya Chakraborty
Book excerpt: ordinary people, extraordinary teachers – the heroes of real India, S Giridhar
Using project work to enhance learning, Divya Kapoor
Fostering educational inclusion: reality far removed from policy, Ashu Kapur
Examining the reading strategies of non-native English language test-takers, Ashtamurthy Killimangalam
Supporting literacy in South Asia, Ashtamurthy Killimangalam and Manasa Mahesh
Communication and collaboration: two sides of the same coin, Amy Lightfoot
Student leadership: why is it important and how do we support it?, Amy Lightfoot
Strengthening capacities for state-level learning assessment: A case of Uttar Pradesh in India, Amit Pathak
Are the rights of children in conflict with the rights and entitlements of school teachers?, Vimala Ramachandran
Schooling after COVID-19: Challenges in India, Vimala Ramachandran
The Gentle Man who Taught Infinity, Sheshagiri K.M. Rao
Supporting high-quality assessment in Bhutan, Anu Radha Sharma
Interview: schools coping with COVID-19, Vishal Varia
Conceptions and factors associated with effective school leadership, Anaghaa Wagh
Submissions from 2019
Gender disparity in STEM: Evidence from India, Abha Bhagat and R Vijayaraghavan
Gender disparity in STEM: Evidence from India, Abha Bhagat and R Vijayaraghavan
Reading for teachers, Anannya Chakraborty
The science of social and emotional learning, Anantha Kumar Duraiappah and Nandini Chatterjee Singh
Quality-focused interventions in early childhood education and care (ECEC) in economically developing countries, Jen Jackson, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Toby Carslake, and Petra Lietz
Building standardised assessment capacity in Bangladesh, Ashtamurthy Killimangalam
Celebrating linguistic diversity: learner languages as a resource for growth, Amy Lightfoot
Critical thinking and problem-solving, Amy Lightfoot
Developing creativity and imagination skills, Amy Lightfoot
Re-imagining school leadership to foster social and emotional development of students, Maya Menon
Draft NEP: How does it affect teachers?, Vimala Ramachandran
The politics of gender, caste, and education in India, Vimala Ramachandran
Volunteerism - Sowing seeds early, Geeta S. Shetty
Teaching and beyond: exploring the educational landscape, Anaghaa Wagh
Supporting five Indian states in assessment reform, Neelam Yadav
Submissions from 2018
Latest from ACER international offices
Reforming learning assessments in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Virtual interaction and adolescent cognitive development, Suresh Joshi
From access to quality: improving learning outcomes in South Asia, Amit Kaushik
From access to quality: improving learning outcomes in South Asia, Amit Kaushik
Submissions from 2017
Mapping progress: Improving learning in rural India, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Inquiry-based learning: Assessing students' science inquiry skills, Abha Bhagat
Submissions from 2016
Citizen-led educational monitoring shows promise
Indigenous Education Update 5 - October 2016
International Developments (no.6) 2016
Education for Life, Praveen Roy
Submissions from 2015
Addressing student misconceptions, ACER
Report on the concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability studies of Uwezo, ACER
Flipped classrooms, Sapna Bakshi
Assessment to action: New thinking from India, Rukmini Banerji